About us
Davvi Álbmogiid Guovddáš OS / Center for Northern People AS (DÁG) is an active Sámi cultural center and indigenous center with the northern areas and Sápmi as its working area. The center will develop and disseminate Sea Sámi language, art, culture and community life, and knowledge about indigenous people in the northern areas.
The center currently houses a museum, language centre, library, exhibition rooms, kitchen and office space. Sámi organizations include the Sámi Parliament, Riddu Riđđu Festivála, the Sámi language center and the Sámi library service. Kåfjord municipality has a public library, culture school and youth club at the centre. DÁG is part of the Sámi cultural center structure and covers the area of Nord-Troms in particular. The center is run with i.a. operating subsidy from the Sámi Parliament and Troms county municipality.
In 1988, Sami organizations wanted to build a meeting place for Sami culture. After discussions with various actors, it was agreed to develop Manndalen Community Hall into a Sami center because most of the actors in the area had Sami roots. Plans were made for a larger expansion of the center to become a national Sami competence center under the name Ája Samisk Senter BA. Through two annual meeting resolutions in 1993 and 1994, all share owners transferred their shares to Ája Samisk Senter and a share expansion was carried out where various teams and associations, municipalities etc. were invited to subscribe for shares. In 1995, an extension of the center was carried out. Now NRK Sami Radio, the Ája Sami Centre’s administration, the kitchen department, Riddu Riđđu, Nord Troms Museum and the Sami Language Center got new, and at this time, appropriate premises. This development of NOK 4.7 million was financed by Troms County Municipality, the Sami Parliament, the Ministry of Culture, Kåfjord Municipality and 50% borrowing by Ája Sami Centre.
A further partial development of the Ája Sami Center was completed in 2005 and provided new and larger premises for the Sami Language Centre, a regional Sami library service, the Sami Parliament, the Riddu Riđđu festival and the centre’s administration. The extension of the center in 2005 of NOK 14 million was financed by Troms County Municipality, the Sami Parliament, Kåfjord municipality and Ája Sami Center by taking out a loan of NOK 3.5 million. The funding was considered a regional boost and was to cover the urgent needs pending full government funding of a comprehensive development.
In 2007, the Ministry of Culture commissioned Statsbygg to develop the center for NOK 22 million to get premises for a Sami museum, library and a smaller area for dining outside the cultural hall. The development was completed in 2011 and was opened during Riddu Riđđu by the Minister of Culture. At the same time, the new Samtidsmuseet also opened at the centre, which the Sami Parliament has given Sami museum responsibility for Northern Troms, Northern Midt Troms with/Tromsø.
In the year 2009, the center was changed from being a Sea Sami center (Ája Sami center) to become the Center for Northern People. The center still has a national Sami mission; develop and preserve Sea Sami language and culture. In addition, the center gained a northern indigenous focus. Since the beginning of the 2000s, Riddu Riđđu has had an annual focus on northern indigenous peoples. Where they have invited an indigenous people in the north and presented the people at the festival. The people introduced us to their music, dance, rituals and other cultural expressions over several days at the festival. Through this focus, it was seen early on that dissemination of knowledge about northern indigenous peoples should be strengthened and disseminated beyond the annual festival. Ája Sami center which was the physical framework for Riddu Riđđu was then seen as the natural institution that should and could continue this.
After the restructuring, the center received a two-fold mission; contribute to increasing understanding of indigenous peoples by disseminating knowledge about northern indigenous peoples, and strengthen and develop Sea Sami language, art and culture.
- Approve the annual accounts and annual report.
- Application of surplus or coverage of deficit according to established balance sheet.
- Election of the board, the chairman of the board and the deputy chairman of the board.
- Determination of remuneration for the board and auditor.
- Other matters which according to law fall under the general meeting.
Signert protokoll generalforsamling 2024
Innkalling til generalforsamling 2024
Anmodning om overtakelse av bassengdel
Moteprotokoll Private aksjeeiere Senter for nordlige folk
Uttalelse fra ledelsen 2023 SFNF_pades
Senter for nordlige folk AS – Rev.b. 2023
Innkalling til generalforsamling 2023
Senter for nordlige folk AS – Rev.b. 2022
Innkalling til generalforsamling 2022, pdf
Godtgjørelse styret og revisor, pdf
Innkalling til generalforsamling 2021, pdf
Innkommende sak: Manndalen basseng, pdf
Innkommende sak: endring av vedtekter, pdf
Svein Leiros
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Tlf: +47 957 93 799
Email: svein@nordligefolk.no
Henrik Olsen
Senior advisor
Tlf: +47 907 75 219
Email: henrik@nordligefolk.no
Martin Manndal
Operations Manager
Tlf: +47 401 97 751
Email: martin@nordligefolk.no
Lisa Vangen
Museum Manager
tlf: +47 911 04 059
Email: lisa@nordligefolk.no
Gunnlaug Oppervoll Isaksen
Tlf: +47 949 85 607
Email: gunnlaug@nordligefolk.no
Siri Mari Vitalis Larsen
Museum Mediator
Phone: +47 950 40 995
E-mail: siri.mari@nordligefolk.no
Isak Anta Mihkkal Kvitfjell
Communications (substitute)
Tlf: +47 912 47 464
Email: isak@nordligefolk.no
Ann-Kristin Hansen
Head Chef
Tlf: +47 413 38 013
Email: annkristin@nordligefolk.no
Camilla Brattland
Chairman of the board
tlf: +47 918 02188
Email: camilla.brattland@uit.no
Torjer Olsen
Deputy chairman
(chosen for the Sámi parliament)
Hans Arne Nordeng
(chosen for Riddu Riđđu Festivála)
Odd Solberg
(chosen for private individuals)
Karin Karlsen
(chosen for Kåfjord municipality)
Contact Us
Davvi Álbmogiid Guovddáš / Senter for Nordlige Folk
Kjerringdalsveien 240
9144 Samuelsberg
Tlf: 777 17 800
Email: post@nordligefolk.no
Organization number: 994331795
Chief Executive Officer: +47 957 93 799
Operations Manager: +47 401 97 751
Museum: +47 911 04 059
Kitchen: Tlf: +47 413 38 013
Communication: +47 912 47 464